
Our heartbeat is to take the Gospel not only to our community, but to our nation and to our world. It is a privilege of every follower of Christ and of every church to make disciples of all nations.

"For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. But how can they call on Him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about Him? And how can they hear without a preacher? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who announce the gospel of good things!" Romans 10:13-15





MARCH 22-24


JUNE 21-26

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    Paul and Leah and their 3 children serve in Africa. As special education teachers for children and through discipleship training in the local church, they are furthering the gospel by making disciples. Their reach is in their local community and the areas in the outer region with other partners. For more info visit www.eardensohnministry.com

  • Malaysia

    ESBC supports a family that have their feet on the ground as IMB missionaries in Malaysia with the purpose of reaching a people group with the gospel of Jesus Christ. They do this through relationship building, discipleship processes, and equipping other leaders to plant healthy churches.

  • South Asia

    ESBC supports a family that has been serving in India for several years alongside of other partners, pastors, and planters. They are engaging people in an area of the world that is steeped in polytheism and false idol worship. There is persecution of Christians in this part of the world – still yet, the gospel is growing and churches are being planted through their mission and other International Mission Board teams in South Asia.

  • Mosaic Church (Provo, UT)

    ESBC supports Mosaic Church in the outskirts of Salt Lake City, Utah. This plant is focused on reaching people with the true gospel – while combating the heresies of the Mormon church that has saturated this particular area of the United States.

  • Arkansas Baptist children & family ministries

    ESBC has a natural partnership with Arkansas Baptist Children & Family Ministries by supporting through cooperative programming as well as promotions, education, and awareness. ESBC seeks to help children and families in crisis through the foster care/adoption ministries of ABCFM called Connected by coming alongside of foster families, training new foster parents, and loving on the foster care community with the gospel.

  • Arkansas Family Alliance / Care Portal

    Arkansas Family Alliance uses Care Portal to mobilize local churches in providing support, resources, helps, and ministry to families in poverty, near foster care crisis, etc. CarePortal serves as a beacon of hope and love to those in need by providing for physical needs and giving opportunity for the church to share the love of Christ in personal interaction. CarePortal brings together government agencies, churches, and other ministries – to support children and families in

    crisis and providing an opportunity to share the gospel.

  • Fellowship of christian athletes

    FCA seeks to make disciples through their strategy of engaging, equipping, and empowering coaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same.

  • First Choice Pregnancy Center

    1 st Choice serves to educate and encourage women during their pregnancy in order to help them see the beauty of life and motherhood. East Side considers this a vital partnership as we protect the sanctity of human life – that we are created in the image of God. Through volunteering, mentoring, and other avenues of support, our partners share the gospel with every mother and family that comes through their door.

  • Community Rescue Mission

    Community Rescue Mission is a non-profit, faith-based organization that provides safe shelter, meals, and needed support to help people get back on their feet as quickly as possible.

  • ESBC Food Pantry

    ESBC serves people that visit our food pantry for basic necessities and assistance. Our members volunteer each week by interviewing and loving on people in our community through food distribution and gospel conversations. Each participant receives not only food, but also spiritual encouragement as the gospel is shared with each person.