IMB Week of Prayer - Daily INFORMATIONAL Page

DAY # 1 - November 29, 2020

As we begin our Week of Prayer we start in the country of Kenya. In the video below, you will learn about an IMB ministry that exists to help children take the right first steps in a world that is very unforgiving and unfair. Look at the power of the gospel being shared in this video and then CLICK HERE to look at the prayer informational PDF that will guide you in your prayer focus today.


DAY # 2 - NOVEMBER 30, 2020

As we continue our Week of Prayer we move to the country of Croatia. In the video below, you will learn about an IMB ministry that utilized the power of the airwaves and radio communication to further the gospel into places of great poverty, hopelessness, and need. You can understand much more about this ministry and the way the gospel is presented by watching the video below. After you've seen the video, CLICK HERE to look at the prayer informational PDF that will guide you in your prayer focus today.


DAY # 3 - DECEMBER 1, 2020

In Day 3 of our Week of Prayer we move to the Indonesian conglomerate of 1430 islands known as Thailand. Today we will hear from Doug Derbyshire who has a heart for the gospel to be presented to communities by meeting their physical needs through medical missions, which gives the opportunity to meet their spiritual needs through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Watch today's video and see how God is using this field of medical missions to share the gospel. After you've seen the video, CLICK HERE to look at the prayer informational PDF that will guide you in your prayer focus today.


DAY # 4 - DECEMBER 2, 2020

On Day 4 we continue our global excursion into the Amazon Rainforest and the AKAWA People group. Some of the most challenging international missions endeavors exist because of the cultural and traditional barriers of specific people groups. This makes understanding the gospel difficult and at times seemingly impossible. It requires patience, longsuffering, persistence, and a reliance on the encouragement of the Holy Spirit. As we look at today's video, see what God is doing through Joe Brewster and his discipleship driven storytelling training that multiplies the gospel into regions and tribes that he will never be allowed to visit. After you have watched the video, CLICK HERE to read through the prayer focus for today and lift up this ministry accordingly!


DAY # 5 - DECEMBER 3, 2020

The Gospel of Jesus Christ does not travel apart from those who are willing to share it. It isn't an entity that you can catch or that moves about freely - it is driven by the convictions and testimonies of individuals who bring the Good News to the lost. Today's focus on Day 5 are the lives that have been lost because of the love and pursuit of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and sharing it across the globe. While we in America live with a freedom of speech that allows and protects our gathering to worship, many countries do not have this freedom and a decision to follow Christ is a decision that has significant ramifications to a person's life and well being. As you watch today's video, I would encourage you to CLICK HERE after hearing and seeing the magnitude of this mission of sharing the gospel, read through today's prayer focus, & then take some time to pray!


DAY # 6 - DECEMBER 4, 2020

As we look at Day 6 of our prayer focus, we see that missions takes place in many different forms - today we see the intentional planting of the Worthy Family. Sometimes missions is an all inclusive immersion into a society and culture and to do that, one must utilize their entire family to engage and share the gospel in meaningful and relational ways. As you watch today's video, see how the Worthy's have invested into the people of Italy through relationships and personal investment. After you've watch the video, CLICK HERE and look at the prayer focus for today. Take some time to consider how you should be praying for the Worthy family, their mission to Italy, and the numerous other families doing the same. 


DAY # 7 - DECEMBER 5, 2020

Understanding the depth of missions when it pertains to lives that have been indoctrinated in the deception and lies of the enemy as it pertains to the Gospel of Jesus Christ describe the difficulty of reaching a Muslim Population. Those who are called to sacrificially to witness to this people group go with great conviction, but also understand the magnificent personal sacrifice they have been called to and the challenge to share the gospel in cultures and people groups of the Muslim Faith. As you watch todays video, consider the magnitude of being asked to turn against your family, friends, and being ostracized from your culture because you chose to follow Jesus. Consider the violence and death on the other side of making such a proclamation and then ask yourself how difficult it must be to share the gospel knowing the great cost it comes at in receive the free gift of salvation. After you've watched today's video, CLICK HERE and read through the prayer focus for today. Set aside time and pray specifically for the needs discussed in this document as you consider the challenge of the gospel reaching this people group.


DAY # 8 - DECEMBER 6, 2020

As we conclude this week of prayer and education on International Missions, I want to ask you to take a look at today's video in the light of what could be, and how you are supposed to be a part of that "could be". The legacy of continuing TOGETHER is something that the Southern Baptist Convention takes seriously as the events of our world continue to unfold. As you consider this investment into the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the international focus of missions, CLICK HERE and read through how the gospel is changing lives through IMB. Once you've finished reading, take the time to pray through the three prayer points and then consider praying about what God would have you DO. If you would like to give to the ongoing missions of IMB through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, you can do so by GIVING ONLINE. If you would like to be involved in international missions, SEND A MESSAGE and our staff will connect you to opportunities that are ongoing through IMB and East Side. 
Recognize that the "could be" of the future is reliant on what you are willing to "do now". God is at work and we give Him great thanks!