last blast to kansas city

We're taking a fun trip to KC before school starts - a great way for 7th-12th graders to end the summer by getting to know others in our student ministry!

Registration Deadline: July 31


August 3rd

5:45 - Meet at East Side

6:00 - Depart

11:30 - Arrive at Park

12:00 - Eat lunch at park

6:00pm - Leave Park head to New City Church (where we are sleeping)

7:00pm - 11:00pm - Dinner/watch movie/hangout/games

11:00pm - Bedtime

August 4th

8:00am - Pack-up and head downtown

9:00am - Shopping options

11:00am - Head back to Fort Smith

12:30 - Lunch on the road

5:00 - Arrive at East Side

Cost includes: admission into Schlitterbahn, Dinner 8/3, transportation, and lodging. All other meals and additional purchases will not be covered.

Lodging: We will be staying at New City Church, more info on sleeping arrangements and what to bring will be communicated shortly.

Once you sign-up your student you will receive the waiver, medical, and minor release forms.

SPOTS ARE LIMITED we will be taking the people mover and the church van.

email if you have any other questions!