We're taking a fun trip to KC before school starts - a great way for 7th-12th graders to end the summer by getting to know others in our student ministry!
Registration Deadline: July 31
August 3rd
5:45 - Meet at East Side
6:00 - Depart
11:30 - Arrive at Park
12:00 - Eat lunch at park
6:00pm - Leave Park head to New City Church (where we are sleeping)
7:00pm - 11:00pm - Dinner/watch movie/hangout/games
11:00pm - Bedtime
August 4th
8:00am - Pack-up and head downtown
9:00am - Shopping options
11:00am - Head back to Fort Smith
12:30 - Lunch on the road
5:00 - Arrive at East Side
Cost includes: admission into Schlitterbahn, Dinner 8/3, transportation, and lodging. All other meals and additional purchases will not be covered.
Lodging: We will be staying at New City Church, more info on sleeping arrangements and what to bring will be communicated shortly.
Once you sign-up your student you will receive the waiver, medical, and minor release forms.
SPOTS ARE LIMITED we will be taking the people mover and the church van.
email mike@myeastside.tv if you have any other questions!